December 14, 2012

Winter's Day

Here is the current information on Winter's Day. I will be so happy if I can get a skyship toy for my toon.  I am not sure there is one available, but it did mention toys.  I am easily please.

December 12, 2012

Crafting vs Winter's Day

While awaiting the event of Winter's Day I decided to work on my last two crafting skills. These are Huntsman and Weaponsmith.  I decided to start with Weaponsmith first so found a nice little web site to see what materials I would need for my tradeskill leveling needs.  I will be adding this to the website in the crafting section.

I will be adding Winter's Day information as it becomes available.

November 22, 2012

First Steps Towards my Legendary

Today I finished my tradeskill of Artificing. This leaves me with just two more to go before I have all of the tradeskills maxed with my main toon.  Currently I still need to work on Huntsman and Weaponsmith. I was eager to work on Artificing now that I have Venom (trident legendary starter) and can begin working on getting the full legendary weapon. I will say I have had great success getting this skill up quickly using this web site.
So now its on to the next two tradeskills to complete all of them and to have the ability to do any legendary I wish....... as long as I want to spend all of my money, karma, energy, time (etc)

November 21, 2012

A little restructuring and a little news

Since the Lost Shore event is offically over I moved it from the News section to the Events section.  This way for those of you who like to read this can take your time reading up on it. I also added some info in the News Section on what Guild Wars 2 plans on doing in the future, as well as some info on sPVP in the PVP section.


November 16, 2012

Fractals and other Lost Shores Events

With this weekends events all on Lost Shores, I added Fractals of the Mists guild and a few others in the Misc section.  This way there is a one stop link spot for  all information n the new area.


November 15, 2012

The Blog Went Crazy!

Today I logged into the blog and found it had reset its settings to some strange nature background and horrible orange and brown setups.  When I tried to restore my old info it freaked out and wouldnt allow changes.  The program either freezes up or ignores the customize button. So this is the best I could find until I can restore my old look.  Enjoy

I also added ARMOR section which has a link to karma armor for those of you who want the level 80 Karma armor.

November 12, 2012

A New Crafting Guide

Muz found me an awesome quick leveling guide web site for crafting.

Check it out in the crafting section.

Thanks Muz.

Lost Shores Content Primer

In honor of this weekends huge event which allows "refer a friend" and "lost shores event" I put up a link with all of the info gathered so far from Massively on the Lost Shores.  I am posting it in the blog post for easy access as well as in the Test section of my site.  I hope to see all of you there this weekend. 

Refer-a-Friend - Thursday
Lost Shores - Friday

November 11, 2012

Rangers - Its all about the pets.

For a while now I have wanted to dig out my ranger and play her.  There is something about collecting and using the companion pets that make it a very exciting class play.  So yesterday I maxed out her cooking skills to give her plenty of magic finding food. Then today I geared her up in the best gear I could, skinned it over to the best LOOKING gear I could and we are on our way....Or so I though.  What I failed to think of was finding these pesky companion pets.  So I did some internet research and found a few very good links to companion pets.

You can find them in the Ranger Section (to your right.)

November 04, 2012

Elementalist and Combo Moves

Today I was interested in how my Elementalist tics and what combo moves work best for her.  I have been testing her a lot on scepter and focus, since my main weapons are usually double daggers and staff.  This way I can get a feel for how fully my character moves and acts.  Being an Elementlist it seems like you have to many choices in how you want to play, perhaps to many.  I found myself sticking to a very narrow field of how to play my character.  So instead I felt a little exploration was in order.  I found that I quiet like the Scepter and Focus.

Today's Links are
Elementalist section with Elementalist Skills Info
Guild Wars 2 Facebook info located in the MISC section.

November 03, 2012

Looking for those perfect Daggers

Today I wanted to change the look of my daggers.  The bright green and blue candy cane look of my daggers did not go well with my white and black classic armor. To accomplish this I did a bit of extensive web hunting. I was quiet happy to find a web site that has not only the stats on daggers (if I needed that) but the 3D graphics of each weapon.  I have added it under the new Weapons and Armor section of links.


November 02, 2012


Since I was doing quiet a bit of PVP/SPVP yesterday and I wanted to learn more about the armor that you could wear in SPVP I decided to add a few links for glory vendors, armor you can get in SPVP and a few other tips in that area.


Event - Halloween Links

Though the Halloween event is pretty much over, I have kept the links up for next year so that all of this great information is not lost.

November 01, 2012

The start of a new Links List

Due to switching up my games from Star Wars the Old Republic to Guild Wars 2, I have decided to add a new links page for quick references to thinks we want to know.  I have posted a few excellent links that I have found so far.